Integrated consulting approach – customer and practical oriented
Integrated consulting approach – customer and practical oriented
For me, balance sheets and tax declarations are as exciting as a good novel with its various stakeholders and plots. I am however very aware that behind all the numbers stand real people: employees in the company, external service providers and suppliers, customers and consumers…
Annett Wege
Keeping the company on the right course is not always easy. Some winds – from new technologies to economic structural change – may require the redefinition of the targets and the indeed the course. Often the neutral objective view of an external expert with profound cross-industry know-how is of great benefit.
Annett Wege
All too often innovations focus on the output of companies, namely the products and services to be sold. However new business and organizational structures also play an increasingly important role in the company’s internal makeup, including changes in commercial professional image through complex digitization.
Annett Wege
Lecturing at universities, technical colleges and vocational training schools of
In order to enable business professionals to be a part of the digitization process, professional training that is balanced between general knowledge and specialization will continue to be in demand. Specializations are now required primarily in functions and not in the industry as the importance of industries decreases as a result of digitization.
Annett Wege